Young Professionals Committee
The Young Professionals (YPs) committee is responsible for planning, facilitating, and coordinating all YPs activities at the AMCA annual meeting. Additionally, they work collaboratively to create the YPs newsletter, manage the YPs social media channels, and provide fun and interesting webinars. The YPs committee is composed of three chairs (past-chair, chair, and co-chair) and committee members. All committee members serve a one-year term, except for the past chair, chair, and co-chair.
The YPs Advisory Group (YPAG) oversees the YPs committee. It is composed of executive board members (president, past-president, president-elect, and the industry representative), appointees selected by the AMCA president (members at-large from the association and the YPs Advisor), YPs Technical Advisor, and YPs Operations Director. The YPs Technical Advisor and YPs Operations Director work together to advise and lead the committee.
2024-2025 YP Advisors

Kyndall Braumuller, PhD
I am currently a research assistant professor at the University of South Carolina (USC). I earned my PhD in Epidemiology from USC, and my research focuses on the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases, specifically tick-borne and mosquito-borne diseases. I have been involved with the AMCA YPs since 2014—they are my favorite part of AMCA!

Chloe Wang, PhD
I am a research scientist at the University of California, Irvine, and Orange County Mosquito & Vector Control District. I work on epidemiology of vector-borne diseases, vector biology and global health around the world. Mosquitoes and ticks are my favorite pets. It’s my honor to serve and support young professionals.

Casey Crockett, PhD
I am a Key Account Manager at Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions, where I collaborate closely with mosquito control programs across Florida, the Caribbean, and internationally. I earned my PhD in Entomology from the University of Florida, specializing in insecticide resistance in mosquitoes—a field I remain deeply engaged with today. My ongoing work focuses on addressing insecticide resistance through practical, operational vector control strategies, ensuring effective and sustainable solutions for mosquito management.

Andrew Rivera
I am the Senior Field Biologist in Clarke’s Research, Development, and Engineering team. I work with mosquito control programs across the United States to test and develop new mosquito control products and strategies. I started my career in mosquito control as a seasonal technician at the County of San Diego Vector Control Program, and I was in that role when I was introduced to the AMCA Young Professionals at the AMCA annual meeting in San Diego. It’s a privilege to give back to the group that welcomed me to the AMCA so many years ago.
2024- 2025 AMCA YPs Committee Members

Nicole Foley
CDC- Division of Vector-Borne Diseases
I am a medical entomologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Vector-borne Disease focusing on a variety of topics such as insecticide resistance monitoring and surveillance. I earned my M.S. in Entomology at Cornell University and my B.S. in Environmental Health at Western Carolina University. In my free time I love to be outdoors!

Drew Lysaker
VectorED Network at Penn State University
I am a vector-borne disease Education Program Specialist for the VectorED Network at Penn State. I work with various groups and communities across Pennsylvania and the Ohio River Valley Region to provide vector-borne disease training and education. I graduated with a B.S. and M.S. in biology with a research focus on the ecology of La Crosse virus vectors in western Wisconsin. My favorite part of working on the committee has been meeting and working with other YPs and seeing how excited they are about their peers' and their own excellent work.

Carla-Cristina (CC) Edwards
University of California Davis
I am an Entomology PhD student at UC Davis studying insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. I earned my M.S. in Biology at Texas Tech University and my B.S. in Cell and Molecular Biology at Baylor University. In my free time I love trying new crafts and recipes!

Mitchell Kirsch
SC Johnson
I am an entomologist with SC Johnson in Racine, Wisconsin specializing in on-skin repellents. I graduated with my M.S. in Entomology from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa and attended undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin – Madison earning B.S’s in Biology and Zoology, and certificates in Global Health and Environmental Studies. My favorite thing about the YPs is meeting people with similar interests.

Benjamin Nyman
University of California Riverside
I am a Ph.D. student studying Aedes ecology at the University of California Riverside. I am interested in all scales of mosquito interactions from water column chemistry to population scale modeling and implications on control efforts and disease. Outside of vectors I like to spend my time contributing to iNaturalist and doing entomology outreach for our department.

Vilma Montenegro
University of Florida, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory
I am a Ph.D. student in entomology at the UF Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory , and I received a master’s degree in entomology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I work on integrated vector management of Culicoides biting midges (no-see-ums) that transmit hemorrhagic disease viruses to livestock. My research focuses on susceptibility and insecticide resistance in biting midges, and I also work with deer farmers to develop sustainable vector management tactics.

Constance Darrisaw
Lee County Mosquito Control District
I am a graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Entomology and Nematology. Currently I work as a Field Validation Biologist focused on resistance testing and research with the Lee County Mosquito Control District in Lehigh Acres, Florida. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with wildlife and dancing.

Zackary Sieb
University of Wisconsin-Madison
I’m a graduate student in Entomology at UW-Madison currently investigating the practices of PMPs when they provide tick management services to the public. I got my B.A. in neuroscience from Middlebury College. You can find me looking for other little critters in and around houses or spending time outside!

Kassidy Caride
Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease
I am the Program Coordinator for the Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease. I began my career in this field as an intern at the Anastasia Mosquito Control District and went on to complete my Master of Public Health at Florida State University. My main interest is policy and legislation and how this impacts the vector borne disease field. I am currently a JD candidate at Nova Southeastern University. I am looking forward to finding creative ways to combine my interest in law with my passion for vector-borne disease and public health! In my free time I like to walk my dog, Maverick, on the beach!

Marla C. García Pérez
Puerto Rico Vector Control Unit
I work as a Laboratory Research Specialist for the Puerto Rico Vector Control Unit where not only do I focus on the molecular detection of arbovirus in Aedes aegypti, but I also contribute to molecular detection of Wolbachia and other arbovirus. I am passionate about improving the public health of my community, that is why I am a master's in public health (MPH) student with the George Washington University. In my free time I enjoy baking new desserts.

Noah Moral
San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District
The world of Mosquito and Vector Control has fascinated me. From treating mosquito breeding sources as a Seasonal Technician in Ventura County to researching Aedes aegypti behaviors as a Vector Ecologist for San Joaquin County, I have had the privilege of exploring the intricacies of this field. I hope to connect with other curious minds who are establishing their careers in mosquito control.

Curtis Martin
Ada County Mosquito Abatement District
"I graduated from Boise State University with a B.S. in Biology, with an emphasis in Ecology. After working in Pest Control in the private sector near Seattle, I transitioned to public service as the Division Coordinator for Ada County Mosquito Abatement District in Idaho. In this role, I primarily oversee the surveillance team, while also supporting other district teams as needed. Outside of work, I enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, exercise, and adventure."

Andrew Partin
Jackson County Vector Control District
I received my B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from North Carolina State University and recently earned a certificate in Public Health Entomology from the Entomological Society of America. I now work as a vector ecologist with the Jackson County Vector Control District in Central Point, Oregon where I conduct mosquito and tick surveillance, vector-borne disease testing, and monitor insecticide resistance.